+1 9294353603
︎ : +55 11 961658794
︎ : @va2rosa
Vanessa Rosa is represented by Artur Fidalgo Gallery in Brazil
Vanessa Rosa é uma artista visual brasileira e historiadora de arte. Cria projetos que mesclam arte pública, atividades comunitárias, experimentos tecnológicos e pesquisas históricas, geralmente tendo a pintura como principal meio de comunicação. Atualmente, vem desenvolvendo pesquisas sobre imagens algorítmicas e padrões tradicionais. Vanessa trabalhou como coordenadora de projetos para diferentes organizações e é ilustradora e diretora de arte da editora Viajante do Tempo, sendo uma das proprietárias da empresa. Ela fez pinturas murais, exposições e outros projetos pela América do Sul e do Norte, Europa, África e Ásia.
Projetos Principais
2019 - Nhandepa | Museum of Image and Sound of São Paulo | São Paulo | February
2018 - Ethnocomputing Experiments | Pioneer Works | New York, USA | April
2017 - Dialogues - Exhibition at Le Centre. Project developed in collaboration with Gérard Quenum | Cotonou, Benin (West Africa) | September
2017 - Infinity Game - Collaboration project/exhibition with Veronica Natividade and Wendi Li. Shown for the first time at Babycastles | NYC, USA | August.
2017 - Imaginary Tiles - Invited to paint the fence surrounding the Pioneer Works - Center for Art and Innovation | Red Hook, NYC, USA. The painting extends over 250m2 | July
2017 - Imaginary Tiles - Solo show in B[x] space | Bushwick, NYC, USA | March
Residências artísticas / Bolsas / ?
2019 - Artista residente no NYC Resistor, Maio a Julho, NYC, EUA.
2018 - Nhandepa | 1 month living with Same Putumi in a Huni Kuin village, Western Amazon
2018 - Participant of DINACON : The Digital Naturalism Conference. In Koh Lon, Thailand. June-July
2018 - Artist in tech residency at Pioneer Works, NYC. April - May
2017 - Artist in residency at Le Centre in Cotonou, Benin, September
2017 - Fellowship at ITP NYU during its Summer Camp, NYC, June
2017 - Artist in residency in AnnexB, Bushwick NYC, March and July.
2014/2015 - Shared an art studio with Maurício Hora, a Community Leader and President of the Casa Amarela Art Center. The studio was part of a low income community project towards art democratization, named "Imaginary Zone". Vanessa was an active member of the studio for 2 years and continues to develop projects with Mauricio
2014 - Artist in Residency at MACAO Milan, Italy | April
2014 - Transnational Dialogues, participating artist in the cultural caravan, February
Palestras e Art Talks
DCG Lectures: Arte, imagens algorítmicas e diversidade cultural - Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon. October 26, 2017 Art, Parametric Design and Public Spaces - Lecture given with Veronica Natividade in Penn State University, invited by professor José Pinto Duarte. March 2017 DCG Lectures - Proposições artísticas para a Zona Portuária do Rio de Janeiro - Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon. May 2016
Series of art talks in high schools of Annapolis, USA. May 2017. Organized by UrbanWalls Brazil
Outros projetos - exposições e festivais
Exposições coletivas
2019 - Our Village | If Not Us Then Who | NYC, USA | Setembro
2019 - Interactive Show | NYC Resistor | NYC, USA | Abril
2017 - Multiplo InComum | A7MA Gallery | São Paulo, Brazil | September
2017 - Context Art Fair | Haas Art Advisory | New York, USA | May
2017 - Terra Nova | Haas Art Advisory Gallery | New York, USA | April
2015 - Street Art: Panel of discussion | Local Projects Art Space | New York, USA | March
2015 - Brooklyn is the Future | The Vasquez Building | New York, USA | April
2014 - Cooperação | Sesc Santa Luzia (Cultural Center)| Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | September
2013 - Desarquitetura | Centro Cultural Casa Amarela (Cultural Center) | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | April
2013 - The Circle Show | Urban Spree Gallery | Berlin, Germany | July to August
2012 - Olhares para o Céu | Centro Cultural dos Correios (Cultural Center) | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | March to May
2012 - 63o. Salão de Abril (Art Prize) | Galeria Antonio Bandeira (Art Gallery) | Fortaleza, Brazil | April to June
2012 - Ver(a)cidade | Centro Cultural da Caixa Econômica Federal (Cultural Center) | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | October to December
2012 - Mural commission/ exhibition | Artur Fidalgo Galeria (Art Gallery) | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Projetos (festivais&etc) Participation in "Street Heroines" Documentary by Alexandra Henry (2015 - 2018)
2016 - Refugee Nation | A campaign by Amnesty International | Rio de Janeiro | August
2016 - MURO - International Art Festival | Invited artist to do a mural painting | Lisbon, Portugal | May
2016 - Stroke Art Fair | Invited artist to do a live painting and participate in the exhibition with A7MA Art Gallery | Munich, Germany | May
2015 - Homenagem à Nise da Silveira | Mural for GAU (Organization for public art, municipality of Lisbon) | Lisboa, Portugal | March
2014 - La Lucha Mapuche en el Mapocho | Mural with Injusticia, support of Red de Apoyo a los Presos Políticos Mapuche | Santiago, Chile | December
2014/2015 - Há muitas noites na noite | film by Silvio Tendler | Time-lapse painting animations | Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
2014 - UN Women | Pequim +20 in graffiti | Comission painting about domestic violence | April
2014 - Galerio | Collective Mural Project by EixoRio , with over 100 artists involved | Rio de Janeiro, Brasil | April
2013 - Festival CONCEGRAFF 2013 | Graffiti / Street Art International Festival | Collective mural painting | Concepcion, Chile | March
2012 - Ver(a)cidade | Art exhibition at Centro Cultural da Caixa Rio de Janeiro | Executive Producer | July to December
2012 - Festival Kolirius II | International Graffiti Festival | Collective mural painting | Macaé, Brazil| July
2012 - Embaixadores da Alegria | Samba School Carnaval Parade | Painting of giant flags | February
2012 - Flutuarte | Quadrado da Urca - Gowanus Ballroom | Brazil - USA
2011 - Les tetes de Saint Denis | Urban intervention project | Done with the Synesthesie Art Center | Saint Denis, Île de France , France | January
Workshops on Laser Cut Stencils, Spray painting, Book Illustration ...
5 Published Illustrated books for Viajante do Tempo Publishing Company. Vanessa is one of the Publishers owners, where she is responsible for several book covers/book design and she has represented the company in Brazilian and International Book Fairs, including Frankfurt Book Fair (2013,2017,2018), Salon du Livre de Paris (2015) and Bologna Children's Book Fair (2014)
Coordenação de pintura mural
"The Sankofa Project" - Project coordinator in Rio de Janeiro, 2016 - 10 artists involved | Rio de Janeiro | 2016
"The ship of the salt rock" - 4 artists involved: Felipe Carvalho, Diego Deus, Douglas Dobby | Rio de Janeiro | 2014
“Dia Internacional da Luta contra a Violência contra a Mulher” - Coordenadora e artista em projeto da ONG Rede Nami, realizando uma pintura mural 80 m ² com 8 artistas plásticas no Morro da Conceição | Rio de Janeiro | 2011 “Arte, Rua & Pluralidade” - Coordenadora e artista do projeto de pintura mural de 500m² com 14 artistas para a Fundação Roberto Marinho em propriedade desta entidade | Rio de Janeiro | 2012