Same Putumi - Nhandepa Exhibition
Nhandepa is the combination of Nhanderu (a Guarani divinity, south Brazilian indigenous group) with Epa Kuxipa (a Huni Kuin divinity). It represents the importance of different indigenous groups to recognize one another and work together.
From 14th February to 10th March 2019 the exhibition named Nhandepa was on display at Museum of Image and Sound of São Paulo (MIS SP). The curators were Milton Guran and Monica Maia and the artists were Danilo Arenas (who presented his photos from his 2016 immersion with the Huni Kuin) and Same Putumi, Vanessa Rosa and Verônica Natividade (who created an immersive installation together).
Bellow, we present the images of the immersive installation.
We used the book "The circle and the square" by Paulus Gerdes as our reference, for such book is a catalogue of weaving patterns from the 5 continents. Same Putumi chose 5 patterns that were found in Southeast Asia and around Native American groups, Vanessa created paintings merging the choosen patterns with photographs taken by Same, then Vanessa did animated light effects over the paintings with projection mapping. Verônica and Vanessa designed the infinity box, where medical leaves brought by Same were displayed.
Installation_MIS from Vanessa Rosa on Vimeo.
Entrance wall

Infinity Box

Paintings without projections

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